After looking over our items, you can use our secure shopping cart,
or you can print out our Mail Order Form and send your order to us via postal mail, or fax the form to our toll free number 1-877-872-KEYS (5397)
Before you print the Mail Order Form you need to have the shipping information; Please add postage to your orders. You may determine the postage by adding the items to our shopping cart without completing the final checkout stage. You will need to enter your shipping address in order for the shipping charges to be displayed. Otherwise, you may contact us with a list of items and we will notify you of the shipping charge before you send your payment.
You can also call us Toll Free from the USA or Canada to place a credit card order at:
1-877-872-KEYS (5397), Monday-Thursday, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM Mountian Time
If you choose to order by mail, please be sure to include your payment using one of the following methods:
• Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express credit cards
• Personal checks, cashier’s checks, or money orders drawn on U.S. or Canadian banks in U.S. currency
• International bank drafts payable on a U.S. bank in U.S. currency
Please add postage to your orders. You may determine the postage by adding the items to our shopping cart without completing the final checkout stage. You will need to enter your shipping address in order for the shipping charges to be displayed. Otherwise, you may contact us with a list of items and we will notify you of the shipping charge before you send your payment.
Send the order form with your check, money order, or credit card number to:
The Academy For Future Science
P.O. Box 3080
Sedona, AZ 86340 USA
We usually ship within 10 business days after receiving your order. Please allow:
•up to 3 weeks for delivery of orders within the USA
•up to 6 weeks for delivery by air mail to foreign countries